Tuesday, May 14, 2013

TREASON -The cutting edge of rock press-

27/03/2013 - TREASON -The cutting edge of rock press-
01 Crack6 - Loveless
02 -OZ- - Again:st
03 Kiryu - Etsu to Utsu
04 GALEYD - Masquerade
05 Misaruka - -Juliet-
06 JokArt au Legal - Moudoku cracker
07 Grieva - Chuuzetsu
08 Royz - Tear drop
09 Annie's Black - Devote
10 WING WORKS - Mujin tekuu desutorudo
11 Hana Shounen Baddies - Banana
12 FEST VAINQUEUR - Yuki no hate no Venus
13 amber gris - for crying out loud
14 GOTCHAROCKA - Samurai dreeeeeam breaker
15 D - Night-ship“D”

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